Friday, November 9, 2007


BULLETIN: I received the following today from Adam Brickley about a radio appearance on behalf of Sarah Palin: I will be appearing TONIGHT at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific (3:00 PM Alaskan) on Libertarian Politics Live with Eric Dondero. You can listen live at

This is another big-time internet talk show, with past guests including a congressman and numerous representatives of major conservative and libertatian think tanks and publications. Eric Dondero is a national Republican political consultant and founder of the Republican Liberty Caucus. He formerly served as a Libertarian Party National Committeeman and senior aide to Rep. Ron Paul (though supporting Rudy Giuliani in the current election).

"In the early years of her prime ministership, Margaret Thatcher held a meeting with her aides and staff, all of whom were dominated by her, even awed."

"When it was over, she invited her cabinet chiefs to join her at dinner in a nearby restaurant. They went, arrayed themselves around the table, jockeyed for her attention. A young waiter came and asked if they'd like to hear the specials."

"Mrs. Thatcher said, 'I will have beef.'

Yes, said the waiter. "And the vegetables?"

"'They will have beef too.'"

"Too good to check, as they say. It is certainly apocryphal, but I don't want it to be. It captured her singular leadership style, which might be characterized as 'unafraid.'"

"She was a leader."

From Peggy Noonan's column in Thursday's The Wall Steet Journal, Read the entire article at:

NOTE: The following strategy applies to dozens of Republican candidates -- and perhaps more than that -- who are engaged in tough races with Democratic incumbents. A three-month or even a six-month campaign won't work in those circumstances. Republican efforts for 2008 need to be underway NOW.

Margaret Thatcher is known as "The Iron Lady." In order to beat John Murtha, Lt. Col. William Russell must be the Iron Man.

Granted, many political observers are skeptical about William's chances. They believe 12th District voters have an unshakable habit of being like Pavlov's dogs, compulsively salivating every time "The Prince of Pork" appears on the ballot.

I'm under no illusions about how difficult it will be to win against Murtha. But if William can establish himself as a true leader, someone who can advance real prosperity and security in the 12th congressional district, then he can prevail on Election Day, one year from now.

William must define clearly, compelling, and briefly why Murtha's form of deal-making is bad for people in the district. In other words, William has to stay away from political rhetoric and instead GET HIS STORY STAIGHT. His message must resonate with voters, including those who have voted several times for Murtha.

Also, he needs to build on the 80,000 vote foundation -- the ballots Diana Irey won in 2006. (In fact, she got 80,000 votes more than in the previous election, when Murtha ran uncontested).

To win, William has to win the "extra voters," most of them Democrats and many of them Independents, who voted for George Bush in 2004. In that election, Bush and Kerry split the votes of the 12th District, where the Democrats have a heavy edge in registration. It's doable, but it won't be easy.

Another step William and his supporters must take is to make inroads with minority voters. They're not a huge segment of the voters in the 12th, but they will be significant in forging a winning coalition. In fact, Black people who vote regularly -- admittedly, many don't -- are a lot like the Caucasians who will support William.

One thing he must do is enlist Black soldiers and veterans to accompany him as he solicits votes. He won't need an "army" of such individuals -- perhaps about a dozen or more. They'll be people who will vouch for his courage, decency, and commitment to key values.

Over the next several months, William needs to talk to EVERY African-American individual who has political influence in his or her community. These people will include barbers, hairdressers, ministers, teachers, and other professionals. These people should be receptive to William's message of prosperity and national security.

I'll write more about this subject, but William has take roughly 15,000 "Murtha voters" and turn them into Russell supporters. He has to convince most nominal Democrats that he's a better choice for Congress than John Murtha.

In short, he needs to make the words "It's time for a change" into a household saying. Murha has been around too long and is too self-centered to serve the 12th District effectively.

Every day between now and the election, William and his supporters need to make "converts." If he doesn't concede a single vote, he can win.

Note to visitors: Take a look at my new personal finance and lifestyle columns at:

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