Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heather Wilson Blasts Schumer, Russell Battles Murtha, Corruption

Rep. Wilson Angry about Senator’s ‘Free Lunch’ Comment
Schumer Should Apologize to the Troops

Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today called on Sen. Chuck Schumer to apologize for equating military funding for our troops to a “free lunch.” Schumer’s comment was reported today in an Associated Press article about the military funding bill that the House and Senate are currently debating.

“Senator Schumer only wants to fund pay, body armor and chow for the troops if he can put conditions on the money so that they cannot do the mission they have been ordered to do,” said Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM). “Chuck Schumer’s comments about a "free lunch" were offensive, and he should apologize to our men and women in the military.”

Steve's observations: Congresswoman Wilson, from New Mexico's 1st congressional district, is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and an Air Force veteran. Schumer, in contrast, is a life-long politician from New York City. Schumer regularly talks about how he "supports our troops" -- but without actually doing so.

Elected officials who claim to support men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan but in fact oppose their mission, which is to win those wars, are in effect supporting the enemy.

You can support real patriots in this election by going to their web sites and making a small (or, if you wish, a large) contribution. Congresswoman Wilson's site is http://heatherforsenate.com/, and William Trower Russell is at: http://williamrussellforcongress.com/. Consider making a contribution in remembrance of the heroes of 9/11/2001

Specifically, contribute either $9.11 or $20.01 -- or both, which would add up to $29.12. I'll be contributing $58.24 today -- two contributions based on 9/11 -- on top of a large contribution made last month. I hope you'll do the same.

The Russell Campaign will be one of the most financially responsible you'll ever see. Lt. Col. Russell has NOT and WILL NOT, unlike John Murtha, sold out to people bearing bags-full of cash. Murtha attracts fat-cat donors by handing out huge amounts of taxpayer dollars, which has resulted in his being identified as one of the most corrupt members of Congress.

It's time to elect real American Warriors --Heather Wilson and Trower Russell! One of the best ways to support our soldiers is to vote for them.

(Note: Read the post below this one about the critical importance of voter registration in winning tough races.)

IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HERE, PLEASE VISIT MY OTHER BLOG SITES: http://smartpolitics101.blogspot.com and http://murthamustgo.blogspot.com.

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