Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday: I'm attending an event tonight featuring Paul Kengor, a Reagan expert and political science professor at Grove City College, and Melissa Hart, a candidate to regain her congressional seat in the 4th District of PA (the one where I live). They'll be discussing politics in general -- and sanctity of life issues in particular. In the next two days, Sunday and Monday, I'll be writing about the Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire primary, and Melissa Hart's race, which will be one with important national implications.

Last night (Friday), I was on Eric Dondero's radio show, along with Adam Brickley, who's led a brilliant campaign to get Alaska Governor Sarah Heath Palin the second spot on the GOP ticket. If you'd like, you can hear the show by going to: Near the end of the show "Gamecock," a legendary blogger and columnist for the Charlotte Observer made some great observations about the upcoming South Carolina Primary.

On January 3, Douglas Gibbs had Melissa Hart on as a guest on his show. You can find the archived version of that show at:

See you again tomorrow!

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