Tuesday, July 8, 2008


'"WE are the media . . ."

The following message went to the huge number of people associated with the NoBama Network and NoBama Mission. I urge all of you visitors to ally yourselves with both groups.

Anne, I realize all of us are working like 14 dogs and 19 cats, but this information about a database of Obama fanatics is fascinating, and worth putting out to the media.

The public doesn't KNOW that there's a horde of Obama fanatics engaged in computer hacking and attempted disruption of NoBama activities. I will be working with various people over the next 10 days (and some after) putting together a large collection of Bloggers who will support the cause of NobamaMission and/or Clintons4McCain.

I'll also be sending out today and tomorrow the remainder of the material pointing out how Obama's PA commercial shamelessly directed only at "white people." The commercial contains one false or misleading statement after another.

The white grandmother (called in Obama's Dreams From My Father "a typical white person" and described as similar (!) to Rev. Wright in the Philadelphia speech) is not portrayed in the book as part of a "a loving family." The book does NOT portray Obama's family as people who "taught values straight from the Kansas heartland," as the commercial asserts.

In Dreams, the grandparents are essentially portrayed as clueless white people, Midwestern rubes. In his speeches and presumably in future commercials, the grandfather is described as womeone "who served (key word) in [Gen.] Patton's Army."

In Dreams, however, Obama contemptuoulsy dismisses grandpa as someone who "never saw combat." In the the autobiography, Obama talks about how deeply ashamed he was of having a white mother (Anna Dunham).

One of this few statements about Kansas is that in the winter the farm boys "stank like pigs." Of course, his mother, Anna, fled Kansas (and its "heartland values") for Hawaii as if it were the Gateway to Hell. The book makes clear that Ms. Dunham was an atheist and Marxist, something I fear you'll not hear in the commercials talking about the "values" she taught him.

he commercial also talks about Obama's role in "welfare reform." He's talking about some minor reforms at the Illinois state level. I am hearing from reliable people that Barack H. Obama strong opposed welfare reform at the federal level, one of the great achievements of the Clinton presidency. I'll look more deeply into this and get back to you.

In Pennsylvania, the two big daily papers in Pittsburgh (Post-Gazette) and Philadelphia (Inquirer) have no real interest in separating reality from fiction when it comes to Barack Obama. However, it remains very worthwhile to get truthful information out to every media outlet and individual who can put it to good use.

It's not just that Barack Obama is feeding people in PA and elsewhere a pack of lies; rather, it is that he doesn't seem to know (or care) about the difference between truth and fiction.I'm sending a copy of this to Jack Kelly, a columnist in Pittsburgh and Toledo, who is an absolutely courageous man -- telling the truth in far-left papers. I hope hundreds of thousands of people in the "NoBama" movement come to know Jack's material. (http://post-gazette.com/forum)

I said in the call last night that Barack Obama had made an implied threat to use nuclear weapons against Iran. The printed text from the AIPAC speech doesn't show that clearly, although The Economist magazine used wording from the actual speech rather than the hand-out. I have the audio of the speech and will pin down his exact wording and get it to you.

Last night I sent to various NoBama people material showing that Obama's commercial directed to white voters had him taking credit for passage of legislation regarding wounded veterans on which he didn't vote. (See below)

THE LONG COMMERCIAL IS FALSE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. I hope Cristi and others will put it up on Clintons4mccain and elsewhere.Obama: inexperienced . . . unqualified . . . hypocritical . . . and DANGEROUS.

Obama's Falsehoods About Legislation: From National Review Online (June 23, 2008)

Padding Obama [Yuval Levin]

Barack Obama released his first general election ad on Friday, which seems aimed above all to answer some early concerns about his biography and experience. It’s a well made ad, but it also offers an example of the kind of brazen padding of the resume that Obama will inevitably need to engage in, and which will carry serious risks for him. About 46 seconds into the ad, we are told that Obama “passed laws” that “extended healthcare for wounded troops who’d been neglected,” and in the usual manner of these political commercials we are given a little citation at the bottom. The citation reads “Public Law 110-181 1/28/08”. That law is the only federal legislation cited in the ad — the other two items mentioned were from the Illinois legislature and referred to other issues raised in the ad. Public Law 110-181 was the 2008 defense authorization bill. It passed the Senate by 91 to 3 in January, with six Senators not voting. Among those six absentees was Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Average American said...

I am currently reading "Dreams from my father." What a perverse twisted freak that asswipe NOBAMA is! I found the book in pdf format, no way was I going to spend my cash for that garbage! Eventually, I plan to blog about some of the crap I find. The lies and flipflopping are what I plan to key in on.
